“Jesus looked directly at them and asked, “Then what is the meaning of that which is written:
“‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone’?
18 Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”
Luke 20:17-18
I say don’t be crushed (remember the head of the serpent), but fall on that Stone who is our Cornerstone, our Salvation and be broken to pieces. Fall on that stone in all humility for brokenness. Shatter the dreams that are not God’s dreams for you. Grieve for holiness. Let there be tears and sorrow in repentance. Why? So that when you are put back together your Father’s fingerprints will be on each piece – a mosaic designed by the Maker of all things.
God is telling us again to humble ourselves or be humbled. Through obedience to the Holy Spirit may you realize His peace and power.