Are You Woke?

“O Yahuweh, You have searched me and know me.” Psalm 139:1

Psalm 139 is a poem that makes me close my eyes to pray and is eye-opening to the reality of His faithfulness.  It makes me rest in His reign and awakens me to the reality of this earthly realm.  “He knows my sitting down and rising up…You sift my path and my lying down…”   He knows the end of our day from the beginning of our day. 

Our poem starts with the beginning of the waking day, the Ruach having searched me.  I’ve considered, with the help of the Ruach, the sleep I just had.  I reflect on all my comings and goings, everywhere I’ve gone and, for that matter, where I could have gone, but didn’t.  Yes, my comings and goings in my sleep.  How else would I get to She’ol, the depths of the sea, etc?  Regardless, our faithful One is there, like the Rock that follows us in the wilderness.  Truly, when we fall asleep, our day is just beginning.  “You have closed me in, behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me.”  His hand is upon us, between the “behind” and “before”. 

When we sleep, he is still faithful, true and “Upon me”.  His righteousness goes before me and His esteem is my rear guard (Isaiah 58).  I’ll say in V.11, “If I say, ‘Darkness shall cover me.’ Then night would be light to me” is our going to sleep and what happens there, whether we know it or not is in spiritual light (perhaps the light that was made before the sun was made), He “possessed our kidneys”  and “have covered me in my mother’s womb.” – the safety where we have a covering like a child in a womb, our soul possessed by Him.  This is where we get out of the way for Him and are vulnerable.  Here is the “making” of His child in another way, in addition to our conscious day – our time awake, here is the place of rest, communicating, blessing, teaching, rejuvenating, mending, forming, revelation, righteous knitting together in the depths of the earth – the white linen clothing of Yahushua.

Verse 18b, “When I wake up, I am still with You.”  Now, awake and fully aware of the reality of the earthly realm (maybe a cup of coffee or two is required), “oh, that You would kill the wrong…depart from me, therefore, men of bloodshed” – making the legitimate claim of our rule and authority over the spiritual adversaries that influence the physical reality.  I wake up and put my foot down!  To prove the reality of the enemy, we pray and say, “With a complete hatred I hate them; they have become my enemies.” – they “have become”, but weren’t my enemy before? Some of us, including me, cooperated, got along, turned our gaze, looked at with false disdain, liked it a little or a lot, tolerated.  However, we very likely never noticed or realized what we were part of.  But now, we see the enemy. Our time of sleep is a third of our appointed time here and is unmistakably and purposely His for us.

The blessing of the Psalms is that the majority are about spiritual warfare.  The spiritual warfare for our spiritual welfare.  The authority is given to us as we’re aligned with and obey His Word – we are Over-comers!  May the Ruach of peace and power rule in you and be your “light” while awake and asleep.

Finally, I realize this may not be for everyone, but if we awake with, “You have searched me”, then verses 23-24 are for the evening, do you dare pray before sleep:

“Search me, O El, and know my heart;

Try me, and know my thoughts;

And see if an idolatrous way is in me,

And lead me in the way everlasting.”

Psalm 139:23-24


“Jesus looked directly at them and asked, “Then what is the meaning of that which is written:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone’?

18 Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”

Luke 20:17-18

I say don’t be crushed (remember the head of the serpent), but fall on that Stone who is our Cornerstone, our Salvation and be broken to pieces.  Fall on that stone in all humility for brokenness.  Shatter the dreams that are not God’s dreams for you.  Grieve for holiness.  Let there be tears and sorrow in repentance.  Why?  So that when you are put back together your Father’s fingerprints will be on each piece – a mosaic designed by the Maker of all things.

God is telling us again to humble ourselves or be humbled.  Through obedience to the Holy Spirit may you realize His peace and power.



Adorned with Jewels of every color

Each one shone to show off the other

Radiance and glory at which all will stare

And each light joined brings the design to bear

Its beauty reflects its Creator

Held sure with a sturdy Anchor

Lit and sustained in eternal Power

The Chandelier ready for Its hour

     Mark Patterson

Prayer is Action

Warring against darkness and evil, contending against an enemy that murders and steals and whose purpose is to destroy what is good. Binding the activities of the evil one and releasing what God’s will is here on earth,  tearing down strongholds; this sure sounds like action to me. This is what God expects to be a major part of our prayer time. This is action that parallels faith, that coincides trusting God, keeping in step with the Spirit.

Feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and visiting the jailed and the shut in are excellent examples of action to be taken in the name of Yeshua (Jesus). And the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman is also an excellent example of action to be taken in the same Wonderful Name because we know that effectual fervent prayer gets a lot done according to James 5:16.

Consider the “Armor of God” in Ephesians 6:10-20. Unless you’ve read it through very recently, read it now. It starts with describing the battle Christians are to purposefully engage (spiritual – not in the flesh) , it describes our weapons (lives centered in truth, righteousness, readiness because of the gospel, faith, salvation and the Word of God – the sword of the Spirit) and most importantly, to use our weapons in prayer, “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.”

My goal in this piece is not an exhaustive description of prayer or of the Armor of God.  But, we must know that as followers of Yeshua (Jesus) we are targeted by the true enemy as described in Ephesians. I promise that as Messiah’s (Christ’s) coming nears so will the requirement for Christians to intensify the battle.  He is coming soon!

Prayer is not for the pacifist is it?  But, “stand firm” and ready yourself, and yes “stand firm” once you’ve readied yourself.  Keep in mind that the Bible is an offensive weapon being the sword of the Spirit.  Prepare daily by building up that armor by living according to the armor of God – read our text one more time understanding that putting on the armor of God is a lifestyle, not a panic room to run into when things get intense.  Picture putting on your armor as the fiery arrows are descending on you, while the enemy is swinging away at you.

Don’t be overwhelmed – just consistently read the Word and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit – you are His.   He is The Spirit of Peace and Power.

Patience of God

Take God’s sovereignty and see how it allows Him to be patient. For example, He has thoughts and plans toward us for a hope and a future, for welfare and not calamity (Jeremiah 29:11). These are plans and thoughts for us that have and have not yet become reality in our lives. Until we are saved by faith in Jesus, our God’s singular desire is to see us saved. Once saved, God has a singular desire for us to be more and more like Jesus. And though He desires these things far more than we do, He is patient because He knows what is coming with His complete sureness.

Give thought to God’s sovereignty  and you may see how it allows Him to do some amazing things completely outside the box of human expectations. I started writing about patience because He waits and He waits, sometimes for very long periods of time, watching us in our activities that are contrary to Him and that are of haters of God.   But He waits none the less. As I write this I review my past and am amazed at His love shown by His patience for such a willful sinner.

I’m writing about Him being outside the box because I discovered something that is perplexing, wondrous, it defies time, love and patients as I knew it.

Taken by God’s love, I was saved in mid-1998 at 32 years old. Going back further to the 1980s I was engaged in a list of activities that I will not to list. Sex, drugs, rock and roll about cover it though. I also liked to write poetry and do other things that were pretty innocuous but were an outlet for my creative side. I wrote several poems with subjects ranging from being in love with a certain girl (or two) to painful teenage confusion concerning the reason I even existed – I’m sure we’ve all had a go at writing on those things. As I was rummaging through some of that I found a few poems that had me beside myself.

Give it at least 10 years that I wrote these before accepting Jesus, and having some time in church as a child and no time at all in my teens, wrote the following poem. I vaguely remember writing it, but had no intent to exalt Christ or God in any way, I had no clue about the implication of His “river” or “kingdom” or anything else – I remember just writing what I was thinking at the time. It is obvious that God had done something then and wanted to show me something 30 years later too – that He always cared, always had a plan, and He even had me asking for Jesus (last line) before I knew what I needed! My goal is not to show off my high school level writing, but to show off my God.


Take me to those gentle rivers that flow as your love does.

Give me what I deserve be it love or hate or deserts desolate.

Take my soul and pass me through your kingdom of life.

Give my soul a new way so that I can wade in your river.


His Patients is beyond us. Live a life of peace and power in the assurance of His faithfulness!



Always the Gifts of the Spirit

I’m concerned that many Christians view that the purpose and operation of the Holy Spirit has changed since the first couple generations of the Church. It is popular to believe that because there was compiled a God-ordained, Holy Spirit inspired set of writings (of course, the Bible) that we, the believers, are now to carry out the great commission, unify, lift up, and teach the Church and have no need for God’s supernatural help in the form the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit.

The change in His operation from the old covenant to the new was obvious and dramatic – change based on the new covenant having been sealed by the blood of Jesus. I know of no other covenant since and no command given in the Holy Bible that is to change how the Holy Spirit would work.

Many books have been written on this subject, but of course I’m keeping it short being a blog and all – so I’ll share one tidbit from scripture that I believe will help believers to understand His ways. Let’s read:

14But Peter, taking his stand with the eleven, raised his voice and declared to them: “Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give heed to my words. 15 For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only the third hour of the day; 16 but this is what was spoken of through the prophet Joel:

17 ‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says,
‘That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind;
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
And your young men shall see visions,
And your old men shall dream dreams;
18 Even on My bondslaves, both men and women,
I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit
And they shall prophesy.
19 ‘And I will grant wonders in the sky above
And signs on the earth below,
Blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.
20 ‘The sun will be turned into darkness
And the moon into blood,
Before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come.
21 ‘And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

Acts 2:14-21 NASB

When Peter gives this speech, he states that what was witnessed (speaking in other languages as a result of the Holy Spirit descending in power) was spoken of through the prophet Joel. Read the whole scripture reference and notice how in verse 19 that the same prophecy begins its climax by talking about end times. This is really my point – the term of God’s outpouring of the gifts of the Spirit are in a prophecy that describes a stretch of time that expands from the beginning of the Church to the end – from Pentecost until the 2nd advent of our Lord Jesus.

From the day you first believed to the last the Holy Spirit with His peace and power is in you believer!

The Best Investment Is In You

Years ago I heard a voice ask, “Who would refine ore that doesn’t have gold in it?” It was a question I heard in my mind that the Lord placed there. It was one of those encounters that made my heart leap for joy as the instincts of my son-ship instantly knew what my Father was saying.

We are given Jesus and there is absolutely nothing beyond Jesus that we could ever need here on this spinning mud ball or in our permanent home to come. One thing we unquestionably need is His Holy Spirit. He, the Holy Spirit is the Gold the Lord was referring to that was in me – this is what He was and is refining me down to (see 2 Corinthians 4:7). Obviously, this was not just for me, all who believe in Jesus receive Him, the Holy Spirit (see Ephesians 1:13).

The following statement is not a nifty concept of some watered down theology or an exaggerated stretch of scripture: we Christians actually, in all practicality are vessels that contain the Treasure that is His Spirit.

The fact that you have His Spirit means you are of great value, of great interest, a child of His that He will insure is successful in whatever He has decided for you to do. It makes no sense whatsoever for your God to put His Investment into you for Him not to see it give a return and be profitable and prosperous according to His purposes. (Assuming you’ve accepted the offer of salvation of Jesus) I think it’s impossible that He would give you The Holy Spirit and not see a return – I’m just not willing to say that God doesn’t know how to invest – you need to answer that yourself though. Consider the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) – He is very serious about the investment turning a profit – this parable is precisely meant to tell you of this Treasure.  The “wicked and lazy” servant who did not turn a profit obviously did not actually know the Master.

So rejoice in this – God has put an amazing Treasure in you and has a glorious purpose for you. Have the greatest confidence that God has given you the Spirit of peace and power and of incalculable value.

All That is Good

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God” – Romans 5:1-2.  “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” – 3 John 1:2 (NASB).   In the grace of God, attained by faith, we are on our way to have all He desires for us to have spiritually and physically.  So then, we are pretty awesome because of our faith then right?

Uh, well, He gave us the faith too.  He gave us the faith to believe Jesus is our Savior and the faith that brings to us everything else that is God’s best for us – in His grace.  There is no room for pride in that statement.  I am so thankful that I’m not responsible for giving myself what is good for me – I’ve often been wrong when I make those decisions on my own. It is vain making decisions based on what I see with my physical eyes and not based on the reality of God’s Kingdom, which is only seen in the spirit.

Am I obedient on my own?  If I’m to obey God because I love Him and I can’t love Him without knowing Him and I can’t know Him without Him showing me Himself – then even my obedience is trained into me. It’s impossible that my obedience to God is of the flesh: “This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,”  1 John 5:3 (NIV 1984)

Also, according to 1 John 3:24, His Spirit being in us is evidenced by our obedience to Him – plainly, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit for many reasons including obedience: “Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them.  And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us”  1 John 3:24 (NIV 1984)

So, similar to when we were conceived, formed in the womb, and then born, we had no choice in the matter.  We in no way could decide that we need a brain with certain propensities, heart, lungs, all of the design required for life and to make us who we are.  We had no say and no way to choose those.  So we take no recognition for, or pride in, us being alive with all the parts we have and how those parts look to other people and how they function.

Someone may be thinking, “Well, my hair or physique or mind or whatever is pretty awesome because I maintain it, train it, keep the cobwebs out, whatever… and so it’s the same with my walk with Jesus.”  The other side of the coin: when I’m (the author) doing a poor job of “maintaining” my Christian life, the Holy Spirit is there to bring me back on track and growing again.  If I try to ignore Him, He has a way of getting my attention.  Honestly, if it was not for Him, I would continue to decay like this world around us.  How attractive I am to the world may not be on the top of our Father’s list for us – we’re made to grow from the inside out.

This is it: I’m left with nothing to boast about, but all that is good is from God.   God has given us His Spirit – He is the Spirit of peace and power!